The power of the pack. Dogs will regulate one another when co-living and sharing the same air space. As a kid I grow up amoung a rather lager pack of dogs with many diferent breeds. I learned that dogs use their natural instinct to create order on whose feeding first and last, wether play time is disturbing the peace or not and when they should nap. Good communication takes place because of how well everybody is paying attention to their surroundings. These wonderful creatures have the ability to make friends without discriminating looks or smells, helping antisocial behaviors. For example; A fearful individual who might use loud bark or ever grow at a friendly dog or innocent like puppy, will learn to discard that unnecessary way of leaving and finilly live happily ever after. A few hours of play time with friends will count for plenty of exercise and laughters. The list could go on but that's enough for now.
-Rodrigo Leite